Tuesday, September 27, 2005

ah !! finally it has rained in here today! Wait the rains .. let me see what comes to my my mind instantly .. hurricanes ... hmm... yes katrina and then rita!! Isn't the US having a bad time or what ? katrina had left new orleans completely shattered and yet another one turns up to take a shot at houston. I dont know whether iam right or not , but i feel that all the fury mother nature has throwing at us(the tsunami first, the hurricanes, the mumbai floods..etc) , is purely the effects of GLOBAL WARMING. Its as if nature has woken up from sleep, and is extremely upset at the mess that we have created. So its just getting the house in order!! we keep hearing and talking about the fact that we need to do something to solve the global warming problem. But rarely do we see or hear about action being taken to get over the crisis. The surge in the prices of oil has had some effect on the big enrgy guzzlers of the world. I think it has finally dawned on them that , there is no alternative but to look towards other energy avenues to meet their energy demands.
Despite the fact that in recent yearsthere has been a weakening in the stranglehold that america had over world affairs, i still feel that unless the texan and his bunch of goons are not convinced to move away from oil, there shall be no use of any measures that are taken. After all, the USA is the biggest consumer of oil in the world. i think its time we actually put ideas into action and invest in developing technology, or else the oil tap might just run dry before we have developed any other option to shift to . Hey, Bush, are you listening????


SpankMac said...

yo mr. captain planet, i'm part of your crew if you're doing anything that'll change the world.

AG said...

u bastard.. U put up some fart link to my blog page..
Its http://55blogs.blogspot.com
Uve redirected the link to some unknown address.. Better change it!!