Friday, April 28, 2006
I was browsing on the comp when i accidentally fell upon the Nov 2002 edition of our beloved fourth estate( which for some reason or the other like most other things in the campus has vanished all of sudden--read green areas and trees!)
well, when you think of GANGA , the first which does not come to your mind is ACADS! well as per this piece by a certain Vipulv aga( @#!@$!#!#!) the situation was quite the opposite a few years back.... Read on...
Ganga will think up a proactive policy to make its residents study harder and RG their classmates. Ganga will lose the drive to participate in all non-essential activities and shall collectively set up mechanisms so that every resident concentrates on his acads(sic!).'Mug Until God' shall be the motto of the Gangaite, (Muggum tathaha Ishwarah) emblazoned in Sanskrit on his T-Shirt too. The security will have the power to whip any student trying to play in the field or be found outside his room during study hours at night. Lights shall not be switched off before 3 am, any offenders' rooms will be broken into and cold water poured on his face. The LitSec shall block most of the books from the Central Library at the starting of the Sem and put them in the Hostel Lib so that only Gangaites may have access to them. Consequently, the average CGPA will still be around what it was because half the denizens will pass away or go into a coma during end sems and get U grades in every course. The other half which get 10 pointers shall return to IIT Madras as Professors.
WOW~!!! can you believe it? guess people would be happy to note that things have changed (for better or worse, I dont know! )
i recommend a reading of this edition..pretty good stuff... hilarious and full of optimism , unlike the present day IITian' s write up's which are full of cynical comments on the system and how they are better off without it!
Sunday, April 23, 2006
When I got high….
Life has been too fast off late. Since the beginning of the month there has been so much activity that I haven’t actually been able to take a back seat and introspect. Well, finally I got the time, and the space which I was looking. I went up to the terrace of my hostel and there it was! What I had been yearning for …..SPACE and plenty of it! Amidst the empty bottles of boose and packets of cigarettes and the monkey shit here and there, was where I found the perfect setting where life almost seems to stop. The evening sky was filled the different shades of red blended with blue. The birds were cruising above my head and every now and then one could spot a plane in the air heading towards its destination, the jet of its exhaust clearly visible to the naked eye. The site was perfect. The weather could not have been better with light breezing blowing to prevent me from sweating. I had reached a high (and not by consuming anything!) and a vague sense of elation filled me from inside. Alas! As they say all good things must come to an end and so did this…but it had recharged my mind and me regain my lost enthu! Life is great…….