Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Looking ahead......

I just finished writing my manifesto for the post of sports secretary. oh no, dont say that i am unanimous (which i am by the way),because there is a contest and that is between me and ........ME! this might sound very wierd but it is true. i realized this today evening while having a conversation with my wingmates that , because i got this on a platter, without me making a ounce of effort to get it, i might just let myself get drifted with the wind.

This has not been a very pleasant year as far as my sports is concerned. whether it be losses or injuries, i seemed to be doing the wrong things at precisley the wrong times! anyways no point looking back now and brooding over the spilt LASSI(ya i hate milk!), so lets move ahead and take a sneak peek at what lies in the future of dhanian and ganga...
hmmm....I see..... very vaguely though.....
  • Ganga celebrating a comprehensive schroeter victory!( that would be very nice!)
  • a gold at inter IIT in the far east(please god please!!)
and the rest of the picture seems distorted.....cant read anymore.....

sport rarely teaches you nothing and all through the losses and broken bones(exaggerating ...I know!) i have realized that you are always a winner ,irrespective of which side you are on!

ahem! just to let y0u all know that I also, through my XTRA sensitive, high end futuroscope see the letters "L I T S O C" being associated with GANGA.....wonder what that could mean.......... anybody???


AG said...

That would mean NOTHING unless Ducky plans to do something about it!
....Ducky for Lit-Sec!

Vijay Shankar said...

I would like Lit-Soc more than Schroeter next year. Only one thing can change that.

it's baille said...

lit-soc... a hell lot of effort
is required for that.

Ducky said...

It would mean the Schroeter-LitSoc double...

Vijay Shankar said...

Now.. now.. now..
Lets keep our feet on the ground and hope that we somehow win one of them.

And dhanian u shudnt have put this in ur manifesto
"....then we will win, despite 0 points from athletics"

That gives me the impression that u r not even gonna put fight for athletics